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Flows define how data is routed between endpoints and all integrations in order to automate your operations. Every kind of flow has a different role in the integration, which is implemented on its translator also known as transformation. A Transformation defines a logic for data manipulation.

Data manipulation can occur in the following main scenarios:

Cenit makes easier the transformation implementation by providing some pre-defined variables, together with other Cenit features such as Data Types Definition and a DSL based on the Ruby Programming Language.

The Transformations Menu allows to define translators of every kind which are usually run from a flow execution, although they may be executed via code as well.


Transformation Models​

In the early beginning of Cenit there was only one model for transformation. We sacrifice a well design and implement only one model Translator to keep the Rails Admin navigation menu simple, with a few entries. Currently, we support index/create actions for multiple sub-models in the same navigation entry, so it’s time to correct the past.

The Transformation model is now the root of a hierarchy of several models. Each model corresponds to a combination of the old translator fields type and style. Here is a tree representing such relation:

Template (Export)

  • liquid: Setup::LiquidTemplate

  • xslt: Setup::XsltTemplate

  • html.erb: Setup::ErbTemplate

  • js.erb: Setup::ErbTemplate

  • ruby: Setup::RubyTemplate

  • pdf.prawn: Setup::PrawnTemplate

Converter (Conversion)

  • liquid: Setup::LiquidConverter

  • xslt: Setup::XsltConverter

  • ruby: Setup::RubyConverter

  • mapping: Setup::MappingConverter

Parser (Import)

  • ruby: Setup::RubyParser

Updater (Update)

  • ruby: Setup::RubyUpdater

Despite this list, there are two other transformations included, which don't match any old translator style, those are Setup::HandlebarsTemplate and Setup::HandlebarsConverter